After getting the baby girl I'm caring for to take a nap, I'm sitting and enjoying some Vivaldi violin music and tea with my two dogs. The light outside is dim and grey, as clouds keep gathering and moving out only for a few seconds of hazy, but appreciated sunlight. My 15 pound cat takes up the whole foot stool while he's napping, so I can't offer my feet any rest. I'm just grateful for the peace and stillness all around and within me this morning. There are days I wake up and sense that everything is exactly as it should be. I love and accept everything as it is and a wave of joy washes over me. My heart skips a beat and a rush of excitement stimulates my entire body. I woke up like that today, and keep feeling that awareness this morning. It results in an overwhelming sense of peace and calmness that is the very proof of God's existence for me.
It's not a joy derived from my external surroundings or circumstances, but it is supported by them. It comes from a lack of desired outcomes, zero expectations and an openness to anything being possible at every moment. I don't judge anything as good or bad, and see every moment as an opportunity to give or receive love; to learn and become a better person. I hunger for little, desire the least amount of material obligations and seek beauty everywhere. I crave wisdom and truths spoken or written in ways I haven't heard them before, so I listen, read and wander along this road that is mine alone.
Did someone spike my tea? No. I've been meditating more.
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