Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bragging & Balancing

I'm so ready to brag on Sky today. We heard on Monday after Chess Club that even though he's a First grader he'll probably be bumped up to the Third grade chess level. His peers just aren't challenging him enough, and he recently beat a Third grader at the game. In addition, his soccer coach shared that Sky may have to start playing in the "Club League" next season. That's the advanced league of serious players with a large field, goal keepers and scorekeeping. He feels Sky will get bored and not feel challenged if he stays with his peers next season. He's showing himself to be an athlete with a great deal of focus, skill and potential.

This all affects Andrew (they are so close in age...20 months apart), so we're always emphasizing and pointing out his strengths. He whines about how good Sky is at chess and soccer, and internalizes it as feeling inadequate about himself. He's a great runner and will likely enjoy track and field some day, but until then he needs a lot of encouragement in the creativity arena! He has his own gifts. They don't have school Friday, so I've enrolled Andrew in an all-day Drama workshop at the Community Theatre.

I'm amazed every day at how completely different they are from one another, but they both have one thing in common- they are both marvelously loving and awesome individuals!


Sam's mom said...

From Andrew's empathy and quick wit I would think he'd be a natural at theatre. Hope Friday is a great day for him!!!

Christine said...

Andrew has done two theatre workshops in the past, and he LOVED them. He's a natural performer with no inhibitions... he's flamboyant to say the least! It often embarrasses Sky, but I always praise Andrew for it and call him "Strong & Corageous" which is what "Andrew" means. And yes, Andrew has great empathic abilities with a great deal of compassion and a need to "serve others"....I wouldn't be surprised if he becomes a healer, psychologist or massage therapist working 1:1 with people. Sky is more of a team guy, loving large groups and is a leader type.

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