Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Our Itinerary

It's set! The flights have been booked! We still have to purchase our tickets to Chicago and back. We're dropping Sky off with my sister there, so we decided to fly out from O'Hare. Here are some details... literally, our "journey" to Amelie:

Departing Flight

-6:00pm 9/3 Leave Chicago O'Hare on United Airlines for Washington DC (2 hours)

-Stay overnight at the Hilton in DC...we like this idea since it breaks up the flight, and we haven't had a night alone in a long time

-10:05am 9/4 Leave Washington Dulles on Ethiopian Air for Addis Ababa (15 hours, with a short stop in Rome for refueling)

-Arrival in Addis Ababa at 8:20am Saturday, 9/5 The magical day we meet our sweetie!

Return Flight-------------------------

-10:15pm Friday 9/11 Leave for Washington Dulles (16 hours and 40 minutes) arriving at 7:55am on Saturday 9/12

-12:30pm Saturday 9/12 Leave Washington Dulles for Chicago (2 hours) landing at O'Hare at 1:32pm

Then fly back to Kansas City ------> then a drive to Lawrence, Kansas (HOME by evening!)

1 comment:

LISA said...

SO excited for you!!!

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