Tuesday, February 24, 2009


It's another record! Our I-171H approval letter arrived today, only 6 days after fingerprinting. Sorin always carries the mail in when she gets home from school, and she handed it to me. I ripped it open in excitement while she asked me what was going on. She was surprised by my unusual fuss over a small piece of mail. I said "Oh my, Sorin! This is the letter we've been waiting for. Approval to adopt a child from Ethiopia!" She started getting as giddy as me, we both hugged, and squealed with complete relief. Now, all we have to do is get everything together for the notary so we can have the full dossier authenticated in Topeka. After that it goes to our agency, and we never see it again. Our official wait will begin! Daniel and I have plans to get our passport photos for the dossier, and pictures of our home & family together the next two days. Next week it will get authenticated and ship out to our agency. We are walking on air with relief that the USCIS didn't make us wait too long. I've heard it take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months for families. Six days was marvelous, not to mention the measley 10 minutes we spent at their office last week. We hope this auspiciousness continues as we get closer and closer to our little girl. WOOO HOOOOOO! Time to dance ;-)


Patti said...

There are no coincidences. This is all falling into place because it's what's supposed to happen. Congratulations, you guys. You are on your way. So -- how do you guys decide who gets to go to Ethiopia? Can you both go? (And I know how difficult it is to get out of town, let alone off the continent with four kids at home!!!)

I will be following your blog.....thanks for sharing that good news.

Stephanie said...

Congrats! I am so excited for you guys... I can't wait for Amelie to be home with you!

Linda Champion said...

I am thrilled! Can't wait to hold the little bundle of sweetness.

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