Sunday, May 3, 2009


This is an old picture from last Summer. Andrew is always fantasizing that he can read books beyond his reading level. He takes books from Sorin, or off my shelves and tries ever so hard to read them. It reminds me of when I was four and couldn't write, but I sat down and pretended to write pages and pages anyway. Andrew takes old newspapers and tries to decipher the news every day. He will be reading novels before we know it!


Debbie said...

Keeping readin Andrew and before long you'll be breezing through the books.

Patti said...

I miss Daniel's blog, as well as your mom's! Tell them, would you?

Surely you must be getting close to that referral!!! I will stay tuned...


Jeff and Leslie said...

I can remember wanting to read anything and everything at his age too. Keep it up! The world would be a better place if more people would read rather than watch.

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog